Fox Portrays a War of Good and Evil, and Many Applaud
(taken without permission from
December 3, 2001
Osama bin Laden, according to Fox News Channel anchors,
analysts and correspondents, is "a dirtbag," "a monster"
overseeing a "web of hate." His followers in Al Qaeda are
"terror goons." Taliban fighters are "diabolical" and
Ever since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, the network
has become a sort of headquarters for viewers who want
their news served up with extra patriotic fervor. In the
process, Fox has pushed television news where it has never
gone before: to unabashed and vehement support of a war
effort, carried in tough-guy declarations often expressing
thirst for revenge.
The network, owned by the News Corporation (news/quote) of
Rupert Murdoch, has always had a reputation - one it
disavows - of being politically conservative. But its
demeanor since Sept. 11 has surprised even its critics. The
network is encouraging correspondents and writers to tap
into their anger and let it play out in a way that reminds
some rivals and press critics of the war drumbeat of the
old Hearst papers and the ideologically driven British
The usual anchor role of delivering the news free of
personal opinion has been altered to include occasional
asides. On a recent edition of the network's 5 p.m.
program, "The Big Story," the anchor, John Gibson, said
that military tribunals were needed to send the following
message to terrorists: "There won't be any dream team for
you. There won't be any Mr. Johnnie hand-picking jurors and
insisting that the headgear don't fit, you must acquit.
Uh-uh. Not this time, pal."
Geraldo Rivera, now a Fox war correspondent in Afghanistan,
has said that he would consider killing Osama bin Laden
himself if he came across him. (In a live transmission from
Taliqan on Thursday, he acknowledged carrying a gun for
self- defense.)
So far, the journalistic legacy of this war would seem to
be a debate over what role journalism should play at a time
of war. The Fox News Channel is the incarnation of a school
of thought that the morally neutral practice of journalism
is now inappropriate.
It has thrown away many of the conventions that have guided
television journalism for half a century, and its viewers
clearly approve. The network's average audience of 744,000
viewers at any given moment is 43 percent larger than it
was at this time last year - helped along by a sizable
increase in distribution.
On some days, Fox draws an audience even larger than the
audience of CNN, part of AOL Time Warner (news/quote); CNN
is available in nine million more homes. In prime time, Fox
draws a larger average audience than CNN even more often, a
challenge to CNN that could become stronger as Fox's
distribution grows.
The style and success of Fox News have already had an
effect. Last month, CNN, showing concern about being
outflanked by its competitor, took the extraordinary step
of ordering its correspondents to mention the Sept. 11
attacks during any showing of civilian casualties in
Like the rest of the country, television journalism has
engaged in a good bit of soul-searching since Sept. 11.
Faced with covering a direct, large-scale attack on
American soil, people at the other television networks have
debated the merits of wearing American flag lapel pins in
front of cameras and the danger of letting emotions get in
the way of objective reporting. Others, like executives at
the Reuters news agency, have cautioned writers and editors
about using the word "terrorist."
Such hand-wringing has become fodder for conservative press
critics. But Fox has not been saddled with such problems.
The network's motto is "fair and balanced," a catch phrase
drafted to imply that it is objective while its competitors
carry a liberal bias. But in this conflict, Fox executives
say, to be unequivocally fair and balanced is to
participate in the worst kind of cultural relativism.
Giving both sides equal credence is to lose touch with
right and wrong, they contend.
Fox denies that its reports are tinged with ideology. They
simply reflect the new realities facing the nation, the
network says.
"What we say is terrorists, terrorism, is evil, and America
doesn't engage in it, and these guys do," said Roger Ailes,
the Fox News chairman. "Yet, suddenly, our competition has
discovered `fair and balanced,' but only when it's radical
terrorism versus the United States."
Fox does not suffer from the same affliction as competitors
who are "uncomfortable embracing a good- versus-evil
canvas," argued John Moody, the Fox senior vice president
in charge of news. That, he said, is a relic of the Vietnam
War and Watergate, watershed eras that infused journalism
with an outmoded, knee- jerk suspicion of government.
The Fox News mantra of "be accurate, be fair, be American,"
Mr. Moody said, is appropriate for the times.
Brit Hume, the anchor of "Special Report," Fox's 6 p.m.
news program, said he had avoided giving too much weight to
reports about civilian casualties in Afghanistan.
"O.K., war is hell, people die," he said. "We know we're at
war. The fact that some people are dying, is that really
news? And is it news to be treated in a semi-straight-faced
way? I think not."
The network says it has also shied away from showing too
many reports looking into the genesis of Muslim hostility
toward the United States.
Instead, Fox's reports simply take that hostility as a
given. On Thursday, for instance, while introducing a
segment about the popularity of American films in Islamic
countries, a Fox anchor, Shepard Smith, said, "They hate
what we stand for, so why do they love our movies so much?"
Mr. Ailes said the network held the government accountable
when necessary. He said, for instance, that the network's
top-rated talk show host, Bill O'Reilly, had regularly
railed against Attorney General John Ashcroft (as
ineffectual and overly secretive) and Gen. Tommy R. Franks,
the commander of United States forces in Afghanistan (as
being ham- handed at public relations).
"We are not anti-the United States," Mr. Ailes said. "We
just do not assume that America's wrong first."
It may be a good time to have that position. A survey
released on Wednesday by the Pew Research Center of 1,500
adult Americans found that 30 percent wanted their
newscasters to take a pro-American stance during their
Two executives at two networks were reluctant to argue
against Fox's position that the rest of the media coverage
of the war had relied on misguided evenhandedness, saying
that could invite accusations of insufficient patriotism in
the current climate.
But David Westin, the president of ABC News, said it was
important for his journalists to maintain their neutrality
in times of war. "The American people right now need at
least some sources for their news where they believe we're
trying to get it right, plain and simply," he said, "rather
than because it fits with any advocacy we have."
Mr. Westin added, "Our people don't have to lead the
American people to the conclusion they should reach about
these horrible terrorist acts."
Alex S. Jones, the director of the Joan Shorenstein Center
on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard
University, said that by reporting the news with such an
American perspective, Fox News was failing to explain the
evolution of the other side's motivation against the United
"I think people need to understand what's going on on the
other side of the equation, how the U.S. is viewed by its
critics," he said.
Mr. Ailes said the Fox network did as much of that as was
"Look, we understand the enemy - they've made themselves
clear: they want to murder us," he said. "We don't sit
around and get all gooey and wonder if these people have
been misunderstood in their childhood. If they're going to
try to kill us, that's bad."
In the final analysis, Mr. Ailes said, "I don't believe
that democracy and terrorism are relative things you can
talk about, and I don't think there's any moral equivalence
in those two positions." He added: "If that makes me a bad
guy, tough luck. I'm still getting the ratings."