Hitting the Trifecta
(taken without permission from nytimes.com)
December 7, 2001
Shortly after Sept. 11, George W. Bush interrupted his
inveighing against evildoers to crack a joke. Mr. Bush had
repeatedly promised to run an overall budget surplus at
least as large as the Social Security surplus, except in
the event of recession, war or national emergency. "Lucky
me," he remarked to Mitch Daniels, his budget director. "I
hit the trifecta."
Lucky him, indeed. The Enron analogy will soon become a
tired cliché, but in this case the parallel is
irresistible. Enron management and the administration Enron
did so much to put in power applied the same strategy:
First, use cooked numbers to justify big giveaways at the
top. Then, if things don't work out, let ordinary workers
who trusted you pay the price. But Enron executives got
caught; Mr. Bush believes that the events of Sept. 11 will
let him off the hook.
Earlier this year Mr. Bush used projections of vast budget
surpluses to push through a huge, 10-year tax cut. Most of
that tax cut went to people with incomes of more than
$200,000 per year. Now Mr. Daniels tells us that the budget
- not just the budget outside Social Security, but the
whole enchilada - will be in deficit through 2004. Since
the administration's phony budget math ("fuzzy" just
doesn't cut it at this point) gets phonier the further you
go into the future, this means that we have effectively
returned to a state of permanent deficit.
However, with television busy reporting from the caves of
Tora Bora, this revelation - which shows that the tax cut
was sold on utterly false premises - wasn't even considered
headline news.
Administration officials insist that the economic slowdown
and the war on terror, not the tax cut, are responsible for
the red ink. But this is flatly untrue: antiterror spending
is a minor factor, and the persistence of projected
deficits into the indefinite future tells us that it's not
caused by the recession either.
Anyway, they're missing the point. Opponents of the
administration's plan always warned that it was foolish to
lock in a giant tax cut on the basis of hypothetical
surplus projections. They urged, to no avail, that we wait
to see the actual budget results. Now their warnings have
proved prophetic - and ordinary Americans will suffer
because they were ignored.
The administration now says that the tax cut was necessary
to fight the current recession. But nobody is questioning
the $40 billion in rebates actually paid out so far, and
few would complain about another round of temporary tax
cuts for the year ahead. It's the huge further tax cuts
that will take place after 2002 - tax cuts that are now the
law of the land - that are the problem. But we're supposed
to accept those future cuts as a fait accompli. Hey, Mr.
Bush hit the trifecta.
Meanwhile, the return of budget deficits has real, nasty
consequences. Prescription drug insurance is, of course,
dead. Bolstering Social Security? Don't be silly: payroll
tax receipts are being used neither to acquire assets nor
to pay down federal debt; instead, they are subsidizing
deficits in the rest of the government.
And austerity rules, even in areas you might have thought
were of the highest priority. Money to rebuild New York?
Sorry, no. The government's own experts say we need $3
billion to guard against bioterrorism? Cut the number in
half. Tax cuts are more important.
Meanwhile, state and local governments, savaged both by
recession and by new security expenses, are firing teachers
and slashing services. How about some revenue-sharing from
the feds? Never mind.
Whenever they were asked, voters said that the
"compassionate" parts of Mr. Bush's campaign promises -
securing Social Security, providing more money for
prescription drugs and education - were more important to
them than tax cuts. But they were assured that there was
enough money for everything. Those assurances were false -
but the tax cut is sacrosanct, while the rest is
Mr. Bush could try to undo some of the damage, by canceling
future tax cuts for the top income bracket. Instead, he
wants to accelerate those cuts. That's the moral equivalent
of the big bonuses Enron gave to executives just days
before it went bankrupt.
Horse racing is a zero-sum game; so, it seems, is budget
politics. Mr. Bush hit the trifecta; the great majority of
Americans lost, big time.