Adam, Cathy, and Samuel--East of Eden
Alex and Christine--Novels by James Paterson
Amy and Laurie--Little Women
Anne and Gilbert--Anne of Green Gables
Arthur and Hester--Scarlet Letter
Caroline and Charles--Little House Books
Catherine and Frederic--A Farewell to Arms
Chips and Katherine--Goodbye Mr. Chips
Christine and Raoul--Phantom of the Opera
Colie and Norman--Keeping the Moon
Daisy and Gatsby--The Great Gatsby
Darcy and Elizabeth--Pride and Prejudice
Emma and Rudolphe--Madame Bovary
Ethan, Zeena, and Mattie--Ethan Frome
Harry and Hermione--Harry Potter series
Heathcliff and Cathy--Wuthering Heights
Henry and Eliza--Pygmalion
Hunchback and Esmerelda--The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Jane and Rochester--Jane Eyre
Lancelot and Guinevere--Le Morte d'Arthur
Lara and Yuri--Doctor Zhivago
Laura and the gentleman caller--The Glass Menagerie
Meggie and Ralph--The Thornbirds
Oliver and Jenny--Love Story
Patty and Anton--Summer of My German Soldier
Pip and Estella--Great Expectations
Rachel and Risika--In the Forests of the Night
Rhett and Scarlett--Gone with the Wind
Robert and Elizabeth--Sonnets of the Portuguese
Robin and Marian--Robin Hood
Romeo and Juliet--Romeo and Juliet
Samson and Delilah--The Bible
Sarah and Eric (Mobe)--Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Shug and Albert--The Color Purple
Stella and Stanley--A Streetcar Named Desire
Stephanie and Joe and Ranger--Hot Six
Tarzan and Jane--Tarzan
Tom and Becky--Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Valjean and Fantine--Les Miserables