Parnassus Classical LP Vinyl Records and CDs

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our own line of classical historical re-issue and contemporary classical compact discs

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Parnassus Records closed our mail-order LP and CD operations on September 30th 2008
We will continue to sell Our Own CDs
You can visit our store
Customers can still reach us at and at
Box 493, Woodstock NY 12498-0493 USA

The Grand Piano Podcast is now up: or Subscribe at: Feedburner

Free Catalogs of Classical LP Vinyl Records and CDs

Parnassus Records publishes regular listings of rare, out-of-print, deleted and imported classical LP vinyl records, compact discs and videos. Each catalog aslo contains non-classical and jazz vinyl LP records and CDs. You can always find our latest catalogs online through the catalogs page. Please call, fax, write or email to request your free sample catalog. Please send us your name and complete mailing address aswell as your areas of interest and whether you want the CD catalog, the LP catalog, or both. More details at "catalogs"

Classical LP Vinyl Record and CD Search Service

Our unique computerized search service locates the classical vinyl LPs or CDs you want and offers them to you directly.

Our Own Line Of Historical Re-Issue and Contemporary Classical Compact Discs

Parnassus Records published historical re-issue LPs many years ago and in 1997 we re-activated our publishing arm, this time focussing on compact discs. Here are more details about our own classical CDs. - - Our line includes performances by Sviatoslav Richter (Parnassus Wins Legal Victory) - Colorado String Quartet - Arthur Grumiaux - Janos Starker - Eugene Drucker (of the Emerson String Quartet) - Katherine Hoover and many others.

Selling Us A Collection: How & What We Buy

We are always in the market for good collections of classical and jazz CDs. We also buy, very selectively, classical and jazz LPs. Click on the icon above or here for more information on selling us a collection.

Classical Music Videos and DVDs

A small selection of classical music videos featuring, among others, Richter, Furtwängler and Mravinsky.
Looking for Sviatoslav Richter items?
In addition to our own line of Parnassus CDs, we have many other difficult-to-find CDs and DVDs.
Here is an all Sviatoslav Richter page.

Leslie Gerber Services

Leslie Gerber, Parnassus Records owner, offers many services revolving around music and records. For details of record collection appraisals, liner note writing and lectures please click services
Our service is friendly and prompt, and we guarantee the condition of everything we sell. After all, we've been grading records for more than 25 years.

We accept MC, VISA, American Express, Discover, personal checks or money orders in dollars or sterling.


E-Mail us at or contact us at

Parnassus Records
51 Goat Hill Rd.,
Saugerties, NY 12477-3008
Phone: (+)(845) 246-3332
Fax : (+)(845) 246-6584

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