Parnassus Classical LP Vinyl Records and CDs

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Parnassus Classical Compact Discs and Records
Parnassus Records closed our mail-order LP and CD operations on September 30th 2008
We will continue to sell Our Own CDs
You can visit our store
Customers can still reach us at and at
Box 493, Woodstock NY 12498-0493 USA

how to get in touch with parnassus records classical and jazz compact discs and lp vinyl recordsContacting Us

Please write us at

Parnassus Records
Box 493
Woodstock NY 12498-0568

When writing or faxing us, please include YOUR PROPER MAIL ADDRESS and your return fax number, where appropriate.

Telephone: (+) 845 246 3332
Fax: (+) 845 246 6584


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