Pooplist 2003

Johnny Jah

Johnny Jah - Pooplist 03

The Year 2003

As I was thinking of my list I was wondering where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I wrote last years', and the years' before list. I now have to check for the date of issue on the cds because some of the material I can't remember what year it came out. Some times I don't even know what day of the week it is..but I digress Oh well, who cares? Not you. So here goes.

The Best Album Cover. ..

Too bad I could not find this sucka in vinyl, a nice big cover. The cd jewel box printing doesn't do it for me, but Liz Phair knows how to get my attention. I didn't buy it, and would not know one note on it ,but the visual is pleasing to my one good eye. I guess the marketing didn't work because it was not a Top Ten.

The BEST NAME of a band is FREDDY AND THE FOUR GONE CONCLUSIONS. Say it out loud and you will think, WOW, why didn't I name my band that

Okay here goes the latest Poop from Johnny Jah, the master of the turntable.-The best recording I heard for this year, the year 2003, and one that remained in my cd player since the date of purchase is

The JayHawks- Rainy Day Music. The guitars, harmonies, the words, ...beautiful to say the least Reminded me of the Byrds, Burntos, Beatles, (lots ofBBBB's) not very 2003 but...reminded me of great music, no matter what year it is.. Too bad that the boys are calling it a day/ year.

Remembering Patsy Cline- Various Artists - Not being a big Patsy Cline fan, as a matter of fact not a fan at all... .prior to this collection. This isn't 2003 stuff, this is ancient stuff. Like my parents era. It must be asked, "What was I missing/ thinking?". These interpretations are fabulous. And I knew most of the songs. I guess I was missing a lot.

I have two copies of Lucinda Williams WORLD WITHOUT TEARS her best ever. I enjoyed all her other stuff but this one takes it out there, and I enjoy "out there". One copy is for the car, the other stays in the home unit, a space next to the Jayhawks in rotation on the 3 disc macliine. NOTE: For those who wish to know Coltrane's A Love Supreme has permanent status on the final spot in the disc rotation.

"They" say ."This guy is prolific", so "they" say. I don't know what to say. While his new Rock n Roll collection is pretty good I do like this set much more: Ryan Adams LOVE IS HELL Part II.

Paul Westerberg COME FEEL ME TREMBLE, now that is what Ryan Adams should have used as a template for his Rock n Roll. This is good stuff and it is good to say that Paul is still among us and working hard to make us tremble. Come on feel the noise....

Tribute albums, collections, soundtracks, and the ilk never really impressed me .However, this year I added some to my collection and hence to my list. Always was a great songwriter, in my opinion, but these artists make his words all the more powerful. ALMOST YOU- The Songs Of Elvis Costello- Various Artists.

New Pornographers Electric Version One name, Neko Case, says it all. Her voice does it for me and why not. I think the band's name is pretty cool too,

Take a recording from the Fab Four, hand it over to a Los Angeles wacko, and watoh him ruin it and hope he doesn't shoot ya ass. Never. I thought it, the lp, was pretty bad back in the day. Not one of my favorite albums or movies or anything ,when I wore a younger man's clothes, but this cleaning up of the Beatles Let It Be; Naked does it for me now. The drums can actually be heard. I never thought I would say this. but way to go Paul ,you billionaire you. Like you needed more money.

White Stripes ELEPHANT - How far can these two take the minimal approach? Can they do it again? When they bring it down, they actual get you to listen to the words. The guitar sustain is neat also. Give it to me, baby. Tiy taking out one speaker, just listen to the left channel one day, .. .then the right the next, .. .then both the following. It is like three different albums.

The voice and guitar of Richard Thompson OLD KIT BAG is something to cherish. Here he teaches all the youngster what it is all about. The instrument, that is.

Others that got a lot of listen this year: Mv brother said he saw me line dancing this year.. .but that is not how I remembered it:

Steve Winwood ABOUT TIME
Allman Brothers Band HITTIN' THE NOTE
Cassandra Wilson GLAMOURED

Jury still out:
The Bad Plus

Things I didn't like at all:
Damien Rice 0

Things I Didn't Hear At All: How about a bum, bro?
Fountain Of Wayne.


Barry White
Sam Phillips
Johnny Cash
Warren Zevon
June Carter Cash

Love to all, Johnny Jah,mc

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Richard Allen
´01  ´02  ´03
Ken Beck
´01  ´02  ´03
Kent Benziger
´01  ´02  ´03
Paul Cangelosi
´01  ´02  ´03
Brennan Cavanaugh
´02  ´03
Duncan Clark
´01  ´02  ´03
Damian Cleary*
´01  ´02  ´03
Kevin Ferris
´01  ´02  ´03
Jim Finnigan
´01  ´02  ´03
Eric Fine
´01  ´02  ´03
Bob Fino
RoseAnn Fino
Michael Fix
John Greak
´01  ´02  ´03
J.T. Habersaat
Bruce Handschuh
Kathena M. Hasbrouck
Kevin Hodgkiss*
´01  ´02  ´03
Michael Hodgkiss
´02  ´03
Andy Jacknick
´02  ´03
Rick Lange*
´01  ´02  ´03
John Lefsky
´01  ´02  ´03
Susan Lyne
´02  ´03
Andrew Martin
´01  ´01
Rich McBride
Jim Meyers
Mike Miller
´01  ´02  ´03
Matt Nerney
´01  ´02  ´03
Irv Rosen
´01  ´02  ´03
Kerri Rosen
Mark Rosen
´01  ´02  ´03
Raissa St. Pierre
´01  ´02  ´03
Jeff Schwartz
´01  ´02  ´03
Praveen Sharma
Dave Squillante
John Stewart
´01  ´02  ´03
Bill Still*
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´02  ´03
Mark Zip
´01  ´02  ´03

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